
A place where critical thinking and the truth will always shine

Wednesday, September 04, 2013

Moi je ne me suis pas barré, c’est la France qui m’a quitté. La patrie de Victor Hugo, Schuman, Richelieu et Lafayette s’est convertie en un lieu négatif de pensée étriquée et hypocrite à l’extrême. Une société hermétiquement fermée à tous les niveaux. Une société ultra totalitariste cachée sous le masque souillé d’une Marianne au visage de plus en plus boutonneux. La France se meurt. Son sang porteur de vie, de fierté, de créativité et de culture au rayonnement universel est remplacé par un fiel aux vertus addictives et aux effets de methamphétamine sur la dépouille grisâtre de ce que fût la France. Ou sont donc passes le Marechal de saxe, Mirabeau et Leclerc ? Qu’avons-nous choisit pour prendre leur place ? Hollandouille 1er représente maintenant cette patrie méconnaissable au banc des nations. Un pays ou la médiocrité et la pensée unique font office de principes cadre de la société. Le nivelage par le bas est la règle tout comme la prostitution des principes républicains détournés dans leur corps et âme au service de politiques véreux. Une nation ou le juste à tort et ou le violeur est plaint et érigé en victime, ou les medias se prêtent a une infâme comédie destinée à endormir les esprits sont tenus sous le joug des autorités politiques. Une nation ou la réussite personnelle, le dépassement de soi et le travail sont devenus des tares à supprimer. Le système français est devenu une machine qui crée une dépendance opiacée des masses, un savant système infernal d’assistanat finance par une fiscalité oppressive et une dette nationale à hauteur de 92% du PIB qui a mis le pays a genoux au bord du gouffre. La patrie de Leclerc, Joffre et Jaurès prône une révision de la culture qui ferait pâlir Mao d’envie, une refonte de l’être qui a abandonné ses principes de civilité, charité et bienveillance pour une solidarité institutionnelle amorphe sans visage et bureaucratique qui déresponsabilise les masses au point de démanteler la civilisation au profit d’une idéologie de toc qui rends notre patrie invivable. Ou sont donc Jacques Cœur, Haussmann et Clemenceau ? Ils ont étés relégués aux cartons poussiéreux de notre histoire comme si ils nous faisaient honte. C’est peut-être parce que nous avons peur de voir dans leurs yeux un regard sévère sur ce que nous avons fait du pays qu’ils nous ont légués ? La France a changé ses pièces d’or pour de la roupie de sansonnet et a abandonné sa capacité de renouveau. Les Ambroise Pares modernes s’exilent à tour de bras et font les richesses d’autres contrées. C’est donc cela qui pousse à l’exil, pas l’appât du gain et le consumérisme à outrance qu’il ne faut pas confondre avec le désir de voir ses efforts récompenses. Dans mon cas, c’est ce qui m’a poussé à partir il y a vingt ans déjà. Je me suis établis pas très loin du lieu qui a vu naitre un grand personnage qui s’était inspire de ce que la France avait de mieux à offrir à l’époque, je parle de Thomas Jefferson, l’auteur de ce document génial qu’est la déclaration d’indépendance des Etats Unis. C’est au service de cette société, que j’ai trouvé ma place, en tant que citoyen par choix, ou j’ai fait profession de pompier et policier, métiers plus enrichissants humainement que pécuniairement.

Thursday, September 01, 2011


This is an interesting article from a local law enforcement officer:

As the horserace for the U.S. presidency ominously looms on the political horizon, I would like to share the following:

This is from a law enforcement officer, I implore everyone with a brain between their ears and a heart beating in their chest to resist the urge to succumb to the cheap rhetoric spewed by crooked politicians pandering for votes instead of being the statesmen and stateswomen they vowed to be. Let me get this out of the way from Jump Street here, I am neither a Republican, nor a Democrat. Neither party has lived up to their ideals in a way that would allow me to support either as such. I tend to be a both a realist and an idealist who – call me crazy – believes in what America stands for and in the U.S. Constitution.

FACT: Politicians really don't care one way or the other whether illegal immigrants have driver's licenses
-Why would they? They have chauffeurs and government issued cars, police escorts etc. They would not suffer personally if hit by an unlicensed driver.

FACT: Politicians don't care one way or the other whether you live in a safe community

-Why should they?
They don’t live in your community, never have, and never will. They don’t want to live next to you, poor shmuck. Your daily life is inconsequential to them as you don’t contribute to their PAC in amounts sufficient to warrant their interest.

FACT: Politicians don't care about the law
-Why should they? They can get away with most things short of murder…they do not seem to have a problem with graft, corruption, bribes, embezzlement, influence peddling, theft etc. etc. etc.

FACT: Politicians beat up on illegal immigrants because, they don’t vote, don’t contribute to their campaigns and a stroke of a pen on a new law makes them look like they “did something” without actually doing anything. It’s win, win, win across the board.

Don’t be fooled, politicians care about one thing and one thing only: getting re-elected. And if this means that thousands of people in their state, on their streets drive without a license, because they have to go to these jobs that you won't do...and crash into you, they won't have insurance, you won't get compensated...well so be it! I still haven't been able to wrap my head around what's the danger posed by people driving with a driver’s license...quite the contrary, I always thought, from my rookie days in the academy up until now, that the purpose of the license was for us to be able to identify drivers, collect the issuance fee for the state (The true reason for early licenses) and, to ensure safety as passing a test became a requirement, and most applicable to me, make sure we had the driver’s names spelled right on tickets...Little did I know, nor was it explained to me in 22 weeks in the academy, that depending on your immigration status a driver’s license could become dangerous…

I still don’t see WHY?. Then there was September 11, 2001, where terrorists hijacked planes to commit the unthinkable and politicians hijacked a tragedy to justify all the excesses imaginable. So the terrorist card was played. Driver’s licenses could be used by terrorists illegally in the country to board airplanes… granted , it COULD have happened, but in fact, that DID NOT happen…Well, there again, in order to board an airplane WITHIN the United States, all you need is a valid passport from your own country, no visa needed, unless you’re coming from OUTSIDE the U.S. Your embassy will issue you a passport regardless of your U.S. immigration status. Why would they care about the U.S. immigration status of their citizens? Of course, the fact that the 9/11 terrorists had valid student visas and were in the U.S. legally was soon lost on everybody as the anti-immigrant rhetoric started to heat up. Those guys had plenty of Saudi money to pay for flying school lessons and padded bank accounts that showed they could support themselves for the duration of their stay in the U.S. And now, with fake documents becoming increasingly sophisticated, with bribery of DMV employees becoming more common, the well-funded terrorists have no trouble getting license. Heck, in order to completely bypass the bogus issue of illegal immigration and IDs terrorist organizations are actively recruiting natives of their target countries, including U.S. citizens.
Don’t get me wrong, I know firsthand and for a fact that DHS has done an excellent job at busting terrorist cells, networks, funding sources here in the U.S. and abroad. Still, I haven’t seen them haul terrorists from the line at a meatpacking plant, digging holes on a construction site or washing dishes at the local Ruby Tuesday. All jobs, I’m sure, you’re preparing your kids to take in the event those evil lawbreakers are “sent home”.

People will probably come down on me and say, “The law is the law, what part of illegal don’t you understand, they have to go home etc. etc.”. Well, let’s apply the law to those perfect citizens we claim to be. I’ll ticket you every time you won’t signal for a turn, follow too close, drive even one mile per hour above the speed limit, I’ll ticket you anytime at a red light or stop sign your front wheels even touch the white line, I’ll make your life a real treat sticking to the law, after all, the law is the law…no more prosecutorial discretion from me, no sir, no ma’am, I’ll treat you like…an illegal alien maybe?

Politicians conveniently omit to mention that being in the country illegally is a civil offence, not punishable by jail, much akin to a speeding or parking ticket… So what about the proportionality of punishment? I was taught that this was the guiding principle of our administration of justice system.

Why does a drug pusher get a couple of months in jail for selling weed while a responsible person such as Mr. Chacon Diaz, married to a U.S. citizen, who recently saved a child from abduction in Albuquerque, NM would have to spend 10 years away (under current law) from his wife and family because he remained in the U.S. illegally for more than a year?

How about we apply the same standard to similar offenses in the penal code? Let’s try this on for size: Let’s see, your kid gets popped for petit larceny, for swiping a baseball cap or a CD at the mall. So instead of some community service and probation, let’s exile your kid from you for say oh…10 years… Or let’s see, you speed 20 miles over the limit and you get pulled over. Ok, no ticket, you’re going down, you get booked, processed, incarcerated for a month or two, have to bond out and wear a monitoring bracelet until your court date. Once convicted, no fine, oh no sir! Because, the law is the law, right? What F*()&*(&!G part of ILLEGAL did you not understand when you got behind the wheel and pressed your lead foot on that pedal? Let’s see, we confiscate your car, we exile you, ten years, no soup for you! No more drivers’ license for 10 years, for a simple, misdemeanor civil offense… It’s drastic isn’t it? So, I’m excited now, what are we going to do to the burglar? ; To the cocaine dealer? Do we get to hang them? Decapitate them? Roast them over a bonfire after public lapidating? Wait a minute! That sounds like Afghanistan under the Taliban…are we wanting to create here the same conditions we are wasting the lives of our brave young soldiers fighting there in that very country? What have we turned into? What is our society becoming? Do we really want to be ruled by the spiritual descendants of the people who cheered under a tree while looking at a lynched body as their political base is a winning strategy for the long run and for the country? How soon will we have people out there advocating that illegal immigrants be lynched upon discovery since they “ cost taxpayer money”,” steal people's jobs”, drive with or without driver’s licenses !?” “Get drunk “and speak Spanish?
Maybe the Geo Corporation of America can come up with an artificial tree with limbs gua-ran-teed not to break under the average Mexican's weight. Maybe they can come up with a special colorful non-staining rope....that they can sell to the government for the modest price of a million bucks a piece...
If we continue sliding down this slippery slope, we will end up with another civil rights movement we really don’t need whose effects will adversely affect generations to come. Let’s not revisit the past on this.

Since the state I work in stopped issuing driver’s licenses to illegal immigrants, I know of no more than a handful that have stopped driving altogether. What I have seen , are more and more sophisticated attempts to conceal their identities, more lies, more fraud, corruption at DMV offices, in short, it’s bread more crime. No politician will come out and say they were wrong though…when have you seen that happen? I have seen countless people pulled over who thought they would be deported because they didn’t have an OL and acted nervous, even fled on foot. I have seen people get into a car accident and run away like hell leaving a trail of blood behind and unattended victims. What I have not seen, is a single politician helping at any of these scenes. They seem to be content with trying to get rid of police officers and firefighters to “save money”… Yeah, what a waste having the guys in blue willing to take a bullet for you or willing to run into a burning building to save a stranger…can’t think of a worse way to spend public funds…

A perfect example of a non-issue is the attendance of illegal immigrant at colleges while paying FULL TUITION there. What a great idea, have those highly trained ICE agents running around college campuses looking for illegals…Why? Because they want to get an education and pay for it? Get a good job maybe? Give me a break!
So at that point, the unemployment argument usually surfaces.

How about the 9% unemployment rate we are now facing? There are plenty of unemployed people. You are darn right about that. One of the many facets of the unemployment issue is the mis-match between the unemployed and the available jobs as well as the issue of pay.

An unemployed web developer is not going to go clean toilets or pick tomatoes. No one can blame them for that, nevertheless, toilets still need to be cleaned, lawns mowed etc. etc.

If you were born in this country and feel that you are in competition for jobs held by illiterate, uneducated, non-English speaking people, well at some point you made the WRONG choices in your life don't you think? Time for some introspection and taking some personal responsibility for your miserable life instead of blaming “others” don’t you think?

If some illegals are going to college and you as a US born individual are not, then again, maybe you screwed up along the way, made wrong choices or just were plain LAZY.

I love this Carlos Mencia skit on this topic:

So funny and so full of truth at the same time.

Stop crying that illegals are taking your job and get off your butt and go learn something.

Many employers, some of whom are friends and family members will tell you, there are virtually no native born workers (even 1st generation children of immigrants) who will take physically demanding, low skill jobs and stay with them. Employers will tout the work ethic of their immigrant employees, the fact that they work days, nights, holidays, weekends reliably and without much complaint. Kind of like what your grandparents did… No matter the wage. I have seen illegal workers laying brick for $1000.00 a week. That work is backbreaking, dirty, dangerous and exposed to the sun, the rain, the wind and the cold. Well, that’s not a bad wage, heck that’s more than what I make as a local law enforcement officer! Still, why do you see Salvadorans, Mexicans, Guatemalans etc. doing this and no U.S. born worker? The wage is good, the work plentiful, the skill easily acquired... Is it because employers like to hear Spanish spoken on their job sites? Is it because Mexicans beat up native workers on the way to work to get their jobs? Is it because $1000.00 a week is not a living wage for an uneducated person? No, of course not! It’s because in order to ensure that native workers will reliably show up for work to do that, you’d have to pay twice as much. The only problem is that we are capitalists. That damn rule of supply and demand…We are not willing – nor able – to pay twice as much for our houses or commercial buildings, therefore, we have to be happy with employing illegals who are glad to come to work day in and day out to do the job without whining and complaining for $1000.00/week. It’s because we don’t want to get our hands dirty and come home with a backache to the point that we will work for less at another “white collar” type of job. Nevertheless, until we can come up with smart bricks that will lay themselves, someone is going to have to do it.

We’ve turned into a bunch of overprotected, demanding, selfish crybabies…that is partly why illegals have stepped in to do a man’s job out there… shame on us!

Many unemployed highly qualified people in their fields tragically can't find jobs matching the kind of income they expect for the skills they have and the skills needed for the particular business. That's how civil engineers with 25 years of experience are unemployed while a recent graduate of a civil engineering program will be inundated with offers. Companies would rather reduce their overhead to maximize profits by paying lower salaries. I heard they call that capitalism and someone mentioned the principle of offer and demand....Top Republican (anti-immigrant) sacred cows. What does have to do with illegal immigration?

Let’s move on to the “illegals don’t pay taxes”.

How are illegals not paying taxes? About 85% of them earn a paycheck, from a business that employs them. I yet have to see a paycheck without state and federal income tax deductions. Boy, how do I sign up for that program? When an illegal buys something in a store, I have never seen that: "undocumented sales tax exempt" special checkout line. When illegals rent an apartment, part of their rent goes to local taxes doesn't it? Just like for anyone else. If they buy a house, again, I have never seen that particular exemptions for illegals to pay their property tax. The IRS will even issue illegals an "Individual Taxpayer Identification Number", ITINs, for them to file their taxes with; which many do as they too, like to receive their tax refund check. I guess the only ones escaping income tax, are the ones who are paid in cash, but in that case I ask you, who is the criminal? The one who accepts compensation for their work? Or the one who circumvents the law by paying them under the table?

You'll say, but they consume more services than they pay for etc. etc. I agree, especially because of healthcare costs for their U.S. born children. Well, think a little bit. Why do they use emergency rooms as their primary healthcare provider? Could it be because government regulations are such that affordable health insurance is not available for their employers to provide? So in fact, the employer who attracted them to this country in the first place, is being subsidized by our tax dollars by pushing their employees to use emergency rooms as their primary physician. Nice!

Furthermore, the party that pushes anti-immigration ideals is also the party of trillion dollar corporation bailouts with YOUR tax dollars, so we can support the country club lifestyles of their executives. This worries me a lot more than the cost of educating illegals who pay out of state tuition at the local community college. Anyways, don’t worry about those politicians whose every word you hang on, once out of office, they’ll be sitting on the board of a large corporation near you. While you (and me) poor saps that we are, will still be struggling to pay our bills, pay our mortgages and taxes, make ends meet and see our family cut back while the politicians and their corporate cronies are doing just fine.

I'd rather illegals be in school, paying out of state tuition, than end up in immigration detention which costs the US taxpayer $20,000.00 plus a year per detainee, without figuring the cost of law enforcement, prosecution and trial at the federal level. Did you know that a majority of immigration detainees are held in private prisons? Paid for with YOUR tax dollars? Passing immigration reform is not good business for those businessmen in government...so that's why they don't want to hear about it. Let's have more of those $10.00 an hour badly trained, understaffed private prison guard jobs with crappy benefits in your community. They sure dangle that job carrot around to the public and local officials. Those jobs contribute marginally to the local economy. The only fat contributions are those from the corporations to the local politicians campaign's so that they get those low-bid prisons built (by illegals, to cut cost ironically) , so we can transfer more of our tax dollars from the "in the red “ public treasury to the "in the black" private corrections' business' coffers.

Did you know that the Arizona anti-illegal immigration law was WRITTEN and LOBBIED for by none other than the Geo Corporation of America, a leading provider of private immigration detention and monitoring in the US? Isn't that an interesting business model? One that hijacks the democratic process makes a mockery of justice and allows former government officials and politicians to make bank by playing on peoples fear, ignorance and hatred. Not exactly what our founding fathers envisioned.

Do you really think that chasing illegals on college campuses is a good use of our tax dollars versus looking for criminal aliens? As I said earlier, I am a local law enforcement officer, and I have seen many times the help of ICE being requested to issue a detainer on a suspect in custody only to be told that they had no manpower to come down to the jail and take care of it or that the suspect wasn't important enough to warrant that, well, if charges can’t be lodged against the suspect, they have to let them go within 72 hours pursuant to the Constitution we are sworn to uphold. Recently in an adjoining jurisdiction, a murder suspect was released from jail because charges against him did no stick. ICE was begged to send someone to come and re-instate the deportation order and issue a detainer, to no avail...
The case was weak, as no witnesses to his crime would come forward, mainly due to their fear of police and being deported, compounded by the lack of physical evidence, he was released. The suspect had been deported in 2007 and re-entered the U.S. subsequently. Boy would I have wished that instead of messing with college students or unlicensed drivers that end up in lockup, they would have come for this guy!

I really don't see what would be wrong with the following:

• Allow people who pay a fine for entering illegally, just like you pay a fine
for similarly classified crimes, and
• Learn English, and
• Have a clean criminal record, and
• Have a JOB and,
• Have strong ties to the U.S. such as legal relatives.
• Coupled with a realistic, workable LEGAL immigration system allowing for the
educated,talented AND the needed unskilled to come to the U.S.

-To become legal residents and have the opportunity to apply for citizenship after 5 years-

I also firmly believe that the burden of punishment should be shifted from the guy trying to make a living to feed his family and staying out of trouble to the employer who is employing illegal aliens. Instead of weak civil fines, employers should be subject to criminal charges and penitentiary time. The employment of illegals would come to a screeching halt. But you see, businesses contribute to political campaigns and their owners vote. Illegals contribute no money to campaigns and can't vote, therefore, they are the ideal patsy.
I am not advocating letting ALL illegals stay if they meet those conditions. I would stand for a standard that would mandate that anyone illegally in the country convicted of a misdemeanor or felony not classified as a strictly traffic violation misdemeanor (to the exclusion of DUI/DWI) would be ineligible for admission as a legal immigrant and shall be removed from the country when apprehended. Someone who has paid taxes for years, has built strong ties to the U.S., has stayed out of trouble, has learned English and has a job should be afforded the opportunity to make their case for legalization after payment of a fine. There was such a provision in the law, called “Section 245(i)” that allowed illegals who could meet those requirement (save the English and having a job addition) to pay a $1000.00 fine on top of immigration processing fees and obtain their papers provided they had an employer that sponsored them through the stringent and cumbersome U.S. Department of Labor Alien Labor Certification process or had a relative that sponsored them in one of the categories set forth in current law. This law was allowed to expire in April of 2001. I would be for doubling, even tripling the fine and using that to train unemployed current workers, build schools, roads, invest in R&D, and support our export industry, lower taxes or whatever else that would benefit the country.

Heck, with millions of individuals already in the U.S. who could potentially qualify for that and have to pay that fine that would be a nice chunk of change.
Jobs are mostly what attract illegals, with family ties in the U.S in second place. Not much else. Illegal entries at the border have diminished by close to 50% since the economy has been swirling at the bottom of the world toilet. Any border patrol agent will tell, you that it's not a coincidence.

You will say, oh, they just need to come here legally. Well the sad reality is that for most, there is no legal avenue available to them to come legally. There is this great little cartoon touching on that subject: http://reason.com/assets/db/07cf533ddb1d06350cf1ddb5942ef5ad.jpg

The solutions to illegal immigration will always be complex, multifaceted and a partial one. As long as we have strong economy, an open society and remain the beacon of the free world, people will want to come to this country. We should see this as strength, not a weakness.

Some solutions to the problem won’t be approached by sleazy, demagogic, gutless, politicians. Those solutions would include a more realistic immigration system. The byzantine antiquated 1965 system we have is broken and does not meet the needs of our economy and society. The current system only allows for 5000 unskilled workers to immigrate to this country per year, through a stringent, cumbersome asinine process far removed from reality or its purported goal of protected U.S. workers. This is ridiculously small for a nation of 300 million plus stretching over 3.5 plus million square miles. Fixing the immigration system is only ONE PART of this, the other parts are to punish employers who do not perform due diligence in employing a legal workforce with criminal, not civil sanctions once a realistic, workable legal avenue to bring in legal workers has been put in place. The other part is to actively look for prosecute and deport criminal aliens efficiently. Placing more border patrol agents on the line is also crucial to abating the problem. There will never be zero illegal immigration into the U.S. lest we turn the greatest country in the world into a shithole like North Korea.

What about those radicalized candidates for the presidency?

Your local pizza joint owner running a government? because after all, government is just a business right? Everything is fine as long as we can balance the books, make a profit and maintain the credit rating. See, whether you run a pizza joint, or just a plain "joint", the same principles apply right? You see where I'm getting at with this?

We don't need more businessmen in governemt, having them there is only good for THEIR business, never the people's business. The current economic crisis has been caused, let's not forget, by irresponsible business practices at the government level, by de-regulating to the extreme, by crazy financial ponzi schemes, because, people in government with a business background thought they could make an endless profit with wind.

The current economic crisis, let's not forget, wasn't caused by people on medicare, it wasn't caused by illegal immigrants, those are colorful rattling dolls they agitate in front of you like you would do to a baby to make them stop crying. The current economic crisis was caused by Harvard educated businessmen in smart suits as they tried their hand at governing.

Will we find it in ourselves to select courageous politicians who will do the right thing regardless of the latest opinion polls?

We need honorable, smart, courageous, capable STATESMEN. But how can we elect such people into office if we are not being ourselves smart, courageous, capable citizens? There's no shortage of business people in government, and they have taken us down the path we are on now. What we don't have is STATESMEN in government. Our current president, with all due respect, is a sorry excuse for a statesman. The Republican field for the presidency with people like Brachman and Cain who are ridiculously unqualifed to run a country isn’t much better. ? Your local pizza joint owner running the free world? Come on! Those two are just a repeat of the same greedy idiots we've had in the past.

Where are the likes of Colin Powell's, Ricardo Sanchez', John McCains of the world? Why can't they be president? Because these businessmen have either disgusted them out of running for office or plain destroyed them to make sure they wouldn't get there, because, even though they were good for the country's business, they would have been bad for THEIR businesses.

Unfortunately, the Republican National Committee has shamelessly sold their soul to their corporate country club golf playing friends. And the Democratic National Committee is paralyzed in destructive internecine disputes over who they should pander to most.

Stop being blinded by sleazy politician rhetoric, hatred and ignorance. Open your EYES and THINK.

We need leaders who will do the right thing even if it means making a tough political choice, people who understand that running a country is not like running a corporation, profit is not the endgame. Liberty, justice and prosperity are the goal here.

Immigrants who brave great perils to come to the U.S. to clean your toilets, wipe your little prodigy’s butt, mow your lawn, build and clean your house, wash your car, wash your dishes, pick your food, cook your food, move your furniture, paint your house, and yes, sometimes rescue your little girl from the clutches of a rapist...Immigrants who overcome great obstacles to feed their families, have guts and a desire to better themselves are what we need in this country, way more than sleazy politicians.

When was the last time you arrested a criminal illegal alien? I can say that I did that just a few hours ago…

Just a few thoughts from a cop on the streets.

Tuesday, September 28, 2010

EXILE MY WAY ou la chronique d'un exil reussi


Je vais vous faire part de mon histoire d’exil. Vous jugerez de son succes selon vos propres criteres. Pardonnez mes fautes et deplorable grammaire, je suis le produit de l’Educ Nat fin XXemme et n’ai pas fait preuve de diligence a la pratique de la langue de Voltaire depuis 15 ans, mea culpa. En contrepartie, mon anglais et espagnol dois-je dire sont sans aucun reproche.


Epris d’une clairvoyance hors du commun depuis un tres jeune age, environs dix ans, j’ai fait part de ma volonte d’exil a ma chere maman. Celle ci m’imposat les conditions suivantes: partir tu ne feras point avant d’avoir 18 ans et un Bac en poche. Je dois vous dire que le fait d’avoir ete eduque en large partie par mes grandparents m’a donne une perspective sur la France contemporaine assez differente de mes petits camarades de classe. Depuis petit, je revais d’etre….eboueur, (J’aimais leurs camions, puis policier ou pompier). A 13 ans, un voyage en Angleterre m’ouvri les yeux a une autre pensee, a 14 ans, je decouvrais les Etats Unis et pris la decision de m’y etablir.

Il me semblait crucial apprendre la langue de Whitman ce qui me conduisit a etudier l’anglais en dehors du Lycee. Car c’est bien connu que nul n’apprends une langue au Lycee. Mes projets etaient regulierement moques par les copains et proches qui n’y voyait qu’une obsession aveugle pour “L’Amerique”. Faisant fi des critiques doutes, et autres moqueries, je maintenait le cap et redoublait meme mes efforts.

Les profs de Lycee etaient en guerre totale contre mes ideaux et ne loupaient pas une occasion de me le faire savoir. Les classes de philo, histoire-geo et autres “sciences humaines” n’etaient pas tristes avec certains profs qui puaient le petit bourgeois tout en clamant faire partie de la mouvance “communiste revolutionnaire”.

En effet, j’ai perdu quelques points de moyenne en faisant remarquer a ma prof de philo que pour une “communiste revolutionnaire” elle en avait une belle berline Volvo flambant neuve, la communiste [ alors que ma mere se trimbalait dans une Fiat vielle de plus de dix ans].

Ca ne m’a pas valu des faveurs non-plus quant je refutais les dires des manuels d’instruction de l’Educ Nat en ce qui concernait la Segonde Guerre Mondiale ou les Etats Unis avec des faits vecus et des verites non-dites qui n’etaient pas au programme en plein cours.

Etudiant l’anglais a mes heures, entre deux et quatre heures par jour, je lisait la presse internationale en anglais, je lisait tous les livres en Anglais qui me passaient sous la main, j’ecoutais “Voice of America Europe”, je regardais tous les films et programmes tele en V.O. disponibles avant la popularization des antennes satellites et de l’internet, je passais un mois par ete aux U.S.A apprenant a connaitre cette grande nation. Tout ceci me valu de parler mieux l’anglais que la prof de terminale…encore un point de contention.

Sitot les resultats du Bac general annonces en juin, et les conditions de mon contrat oral avec ma mere reemplies, sitot je m’inscrit a un programme d’echange pour passer un an aux U.S.A et y arrivat en aout, sans pedre te temps. C’etait le 13 aout 1995 que je m’etablis definitivement aux U.S.A. a l’age de 18 ans. J’avais déjà pris mes jambes a mon cou bien avant que la situation ne degenere en France au point ou elle en est dans l’actualite. Une republique pre-islamique neo-moderne. On est pas tres loin de Maurice Dantec…


Je me retouvais donc dans une bourgade du nord-ouest de la Virginie, au beau mileu de la vallee de Shenandoah, dans une ferme. Le travail de la ferme et la derniere annee de High School furent tres formateurs et benefiques pour moi. Les cours de civisme, d’histoire, d’ecologie, de theatre, les sports me fascinaient. Enfin des profs qui n’etaient pas issus de l’ideologie bolshevik de mai 1968,,,

J’appris la valeur et noblesse du travail de la terre, m’imbibait de la culture rurale de la region et m’integra a la communaute. Je fis aussi connaissance du monde des travailleurs immigres Mexicains qui je cotoyais au quotidien a la ferme. Pour la premiere foi de ma vie, j’allais a l’eglise, Protestante, avec ma famille d’acceuil, Catholique avec mes amis Mexicains et personne n’y trouvait a redire. Pas de moquerie, pas d’incomprehension…

Je devins un avide etudiant de l’histoire du pays, profitant du fait que la Virginie a toujours joue un role clef et fondateur dans l’histoire du pays. La relative proximite de Washington D.C. avec ses musees, sa charge historique a chaque coin de rue contribuait a assouvir ma soif de connaitre tous les secrets du systeme politico-economique de ce grand pays. Je me suis imbibe de l’histoire du pays, de tous les rouages du systeme politique jusqu’a en arriver a en savoir plus long que la grande majorite du public Americain. Je me suis plonge corps et ame dans la culture et l’histoire du pays.

C’est apres avoir recu mon diplome du lycee aux USA (Bac No2) que je suis rentre a l’universite l’annee suivante apres avoir obtenu une bourse academique grace a mes excellentes notes en derniere annee de High School.

L’universite etait une institution privee, et religieuse. J’y recu deux license, une en Sciences Po et l’autre, en Espagnol. Je dois vous dire que des ma deuxieme anne d’universite, je quittais la ferme pour aller vivre dans une famille d’amis Mexicains, originiare du Nord Est du Mexique.

Cette famille etait d’extraction tres modeste et rurale. Ils etaient tres attaches a leur culture tout en ayant vecu depuis deux decennies aux U.S.A. Je devins intimement familer avec leur langue, leurs coutumes, leur reseaux sociaux et familiaux qui s’etandait de la Virginie a la Californie en passant par l’Arizona et tout le Nord du Mexique resultat d’une tradition migratoire vielle de plus de 50 ans. Au point ou lors d’activites avec le reste de la communaute Mexicaine du coin, on me prennais pour un vague cousin…Francais??? Personne n’y croyais beaucoup.

C’etait ma deuxieme experience d’immersion totale aux U.S.A. De jour dans une universite privee hupee, de nuit chez les travailleurs immigres.

Cette experience m’ammenat a vouloir profiter du programme d’echange entre mon universite et une universite mexicaine pendant un an. Me voila donc parti au Mexique pour un an. La encore, j’explorai le pays de long en large, d’en haut jusque en bas en suivant ma methode. J’y rencontrai l’ame soeur et me marriais. Me voila donc marrie au Mexique en troisieme annee de licence.
A la fin de l’annee, ma femme et moi entrepriment le voyage de retour vers la Virginie en voiture, ce qui nous permit de connaitre de nouveaux horizons.

J’entrepris donc la tache d’acclimatisation de ma femme issue des classes moyennes citadines du Mexique a son nouvel environnement, c’est a dire, une communaute rurale aux U.S.A ou la vaste majorite de ses compatriotes apartenait a une classe sociale qu’elle connaisait a peine. De ses propres mots, elle etait venu connaitre “l’autre Mexique” celui qu’elle croisait a pene dans la rue dans son propre pays, ici, aux U.S.A. Ma femme, qui avait fait une licence en langues et etudie l’anglais a l’universite, commenca sur mes conseils a s’integrer a la societe locale en faisant du volontariat a l’hopital local. Je me suis dit qu’elle y pratiquerait l’anglais, servirai la communaute servant de traductrice, y apprendrait le “systeme americain” et en plus obtiendrait de l’experience professionelle et de futures references en vue d’un travail remunere quand elle aurait un permis de travail.

Je finit donc mes licences en l’an 2000.


La fin des etudes marquait aussi la fin du visa d’etudiant. Il fallait trouver le moyen de rester au dela de l’annee “d’apprentissage pratique” accorde aux etudiants etrangers en fin de cylce d’etude. Quoi de mieux que d’aller chercher un emploi dans un cabinet d’avocat specialiste en immigration pour obtenir la clef d’entree dans la societe americaine, la fameuse carte verte?

Par la grace du saint esprit, et par le fait de ma vaste connaisance de l’espagnol je trouvais un cabinet d’avocat qui etait en accord pour me sponsoriser pour un visa de travail avant que mon annee “d’apprentissage pratique” et mon permis de travail d’etudiant n’expire.

Non seulement je prennais le long et tortueux chemin de l’obtension de la carte verte, mais aussi travaillait au quotidien avec des immigres venus des quatre coins du globe, toutes classes sociales confondues.

Au matin du 11 septembre 2001, j’etais a mon bureau dans la banlieue ouest de Washington en Virginie, entrain de commencer ma journee de lutte contre le systeme d’immigration byzantin quand la radio annonca la premiere attaque terroriste sur la tour numero 1. Nous croyons que c’est un gag. Puis, peu apres 9:00 heures, la segonde attaque a lieu. A 09:37, la troisieme attaque a lieu. Un avion s’ecrase conte le Pentagone a quelques kilometres de mon bureau.

Tous au bureau sommes en larmes. Immigres ou pas. On entends des helicopteres partout, des avions chasseurs, des sirenes de pompiers hurlent de toutes parts. Une grande fureur montait en moi. Je prennais la decision de faire quelque chose. Je me sentait plus Americain que Francais, me sentait pret a defendre avec ma vie ce pays qui n’etait pas encore le mien, en depit du fait que je n’etait legalement qu’un travailleur temporaire non-immigrant titulaire d’un visa H1-B.

L’enracinement culturel et affectif a mon pays d’acceuil etait deja tres profond. Mon dossier de visa d’immigrant etait toujours en cours avec le Ministere du Travail qui devait fournir une attestation ce qui pouvait prendre plus d’un an. (Deux dans mon cas…) mes possibilites de changer d’emploi etaient nulles car cela aurait annule toutes les douloureuses demarches entreprisent jusqu’alors.

Je decidit donc devenir pompier volontaire dans ma communaute, car les portes de l’armee, de la police ou des pompiers metaient fermees de part mon statut legal de non-immigrant autorise a ne travailler qu’avec l’employeur qui me sponsorisait.

Je me lancait dans cette nouvelle aventure de plein pied, un des rares immigrants dans la communaute assez fermee des pompiers volontaires, meme dans une region aussi diverse que la banlieue de Washington D.C. J’y decouvrit une passion sans bornes. Je pris plaisir a suivre tous les entrainement de base pour devenir pompier-technicien de medecine d’urgence ce qui prit presque un an d’effort, de cours de nuit et de nombreux weekends passes au centre d’entrainement.

Apres ca, je m’aquitais avec joie de mes gardes de nuit, une fois tous les six jours et mes gardes de weekend de 24 heures. Il faut savoir que plus de 80% des pompiers aux U.S.A sont volontaires, non remuneres. J’etais tres content de servir mon pays d’acceuil de cette maniere. Avec chaque annee qui passait, mes racines s’approfondissait, meme si je n’etait toujours pas resident permanent avec mon dossier en atente a cause d’un superviseur du service d’immigration corrompu qui savait que moi et mon patron savions de ses agissement (Voir http://www.justice.gov/usao/vae/Pressreleases/04-AprilPDFArchive/07/20070420schofieldnr.pdf) et qui avait decide de garder mon dossier dans un tiroir de son bureau…J

Je n’ai pu obtenir la residence permanente qu’apres son arrestation. Mon ancien patron et moi participerions a sa chute. Des l’obtension de la residence permanente et la fin de la restriction du choix d’employeur imposee par les lois d’immigration, je m’engageait comme pompier professionel dans la meme jurisdiction, prenant au passage un reduction de salaire annuel de $20,000.00.

Apres quelques annees de specialisation, un poste de commissaire aux incendies s’est ouvert a moi dans une jurisdiction voisine. Voir definition ici, http://www.formulaire.gouv.qc.ca/cgi/affiche_doc.cgi?dossier=2917&table=0 car il n’y a pas d’equivalent en France a ma connaissance. La difference principale entre le Quebec et la Virginie sur ce point est que les commissaires aux incendies en Virginie sont des pompiers qui ont aussi le statut d’officier de police, ils sont armes, ont fait l’ecole de police et ont la responsabilite exclusive des enquetes et arrestations correspondentes a leur mandat qui varie un peu de jurisdiction en jurisdiction. Ce poste me permit donc de realiser a 100% mon reve d’enfance, d’etre pompier ou policier en marriant les deux. Du coup, je suis aussi devenu eboueur, etant charge de sortir les ordures de la societe pour les mettre a leur place.

Je suis toujours pompier volontaire au meme endroit, par passion et gratitude a l’institution qui m’a permit d’atteindre mes reves d’enfance tout en me faisan l’honneur de me permettre servir a ma communaute benevolement.

Il y a maintenant environs 20% des membres du corps de pompiers volotaires qui sont des immigrants comme moi ou issus de l’immigration de premiere generation. Le Mexique, Salvador, Republique Dominicaine, Guatemala, Honduras, Argentine, Peru, Bolivie, Ukraine, Inde, Philippines, et la France y sont representes. Je suis fier de servir a leur cotes, tous ensembles, Americains de “souche” et immigres autant dans mon corps de pompiers professionels que dans celui des volontaires. Nous sommes tous des freres engages dans le meme combat.

J’ai prete serment devant le tribunal de defendre la constitution de ce pays, de le defendre contre ses ennemis exterieurs et interieurs et de faire mon travail avec honnetete, de defendre et de proteger la societe, ce que je ferais jusqu’au bout. Je suis devenu Americain, par choix.


Je suis tout a fait d’accord avec Marchenoir sur le point suivant [Meme si nous ne voyons pas toujours les chose d’un meme oeuil, Je reste pour lui un “envahisseur ethnique”]. Je cite:

“ Le gauchisme est un facteur majeur, structurel, massif, du bordel ambiant.
Peu de Français s’en rendent compte, car il est difficile à un poisson d’imaginer qu’on puisse vivre autrement que plongé dans l’eau.
Mais, en France, on vit gauchiste, on respire gauchiste, on bouffe gauchiste, on bosse gauchiste, on baise gauchiste — bref, ils ont vaporisé un truc dans l’air, ou mis quelque chose dans la flotte, je vois pas d’autre explication.
Les Américains sont très conscients, eux, du rôle fondamental et incroyablement destructeur de l’idéologie gauchiste dans la situation actuelle.
Dans la situation américaine, j’entends. La France, ils s’en tapent un peu, en général. »

Marchenoir a raison a 100%. Il a « hit the nail on the head » d’une manière phénoménale avec ces propos. C’est pourquoi, ayant vécu toute ma vie d’adulte loin de la France il me serait impossible, invivable d’y retourner, bien moins dans la conjoncture actuelle.

Je pense même parfois aller rendre mon passeport a l’ambassade de France a Washington, chaque fois que la moutarde me monte au nez a l’apprendre les dernières imbécilités ahurissantes et tragédies inexplicables qu’il s’y passent.

J’ai trouve un chez moi de ce cote-ci de l’Atlantique. Un chez-moi ou je peux être un Américain par choix, un Français qui ne l’est plus vraiment, mélange bizarre d’Américano-franco-mexicain en paix. Ou je peux être très patriotique si cela me chante, ou j’ai pu trouver l’église Catholique qui m’a fait cruellement défaut sans le savoir en France.

Un pays ou l’on peut travailler autant que l’on veut, ou n’importe qui peut se défendre quand attaque sans être inquiété, un pays ou ont ne nous prend pas pour des nistons incapables de décider pour eux-mêmes et a qui l’on ne peut confier des armes…

Un pays ou le travail est récompensé, admire et naturel. Un pays ou si j’arrête un criminel il est puni avec sévérité, un pays ou la courtoisie subsiste, un pays qui ne fait pas d’excuses pour ses principes, un pays ou un policier peut riposter quand attaque sans etre traine dans la boue et peut protéger les faibles, un pays ou la société en général ne fait pas l’apologie des criminels, un pays qui sans cesse s’adapte, se réinvente et ou chacun a sa place s’il respecte les lois.

Pour les critiques qui vont surement me sauter dessus en disant que je peint un portrait idyllique non conforme a la réalité, je rétorque ceci :
De part mon boulot, je patauge tous les jours dans les problèmes de notre pays. Ce n’est pas parce que vous avez lu tel ou tel article/livre/statistiques/etude ou vu tel ou tel documentaire a la télé que vous y connaissez quelque chose aux problèmes de ce pays.

Croyez-moi, je sais que nous avons du pain sur la planche.

Notre plus grand péril, se sont les politiciens. Mes études de Sciences-po et mes années de service dans la sécurité publique me l’on apprit. Peu importe le parti politique, ils mentent tous, ils magouillent tous a divers degrés et on tous vendus leur âme a tel ou tel intérêt.

Notre avantage sur ce point avec la France, c’est qu’ici les politiciens sont beaucoup moins intouchables qu’en France et sont beaucoup susceptibles de souffrir des conséquences de leurs actes. Les gauchistes du cru étant bien sur, les plus dangereux cars autoproclames plus vertueux que leurs semblables de droite.

Nous subissons la profonde et incontournable incompétence de l’administration gauchiste au pouvoir en ce moment même. Vivement Novembre…le pendule va se balancer de l’autre cote. Espérons que cela mettra fin au cheminement vers le système d’échec socio-politico-économique de style Franco-Européen.

Le second aspect du plus grand péril auquel nous sommes confronte, c’est que le visionnaire General Eisenhower, le 34eme président de notre pays avait nomme le « complexe militaro-industriel ». Voir son célèbre discours d’adieu prononce le 17 janvier 1961 [http://www.informationclearinghouse.info/article5407.htm]
Nostradamus n’aurai pas mieux fait en terme de prévisions.

Nous continuerons la lutte contre les faux idéaux gauchistes sans relâche, il en va de notre survie.

Thursday, January 14, 2010

John says:
January 14, 2010 at 6:37 pm
This post was entertaining to read despite being permeated with immaturity and a good dose of ingenuity. The "malinchismo" displayed by certain Salvadorans mirrors that commonly found in Mexico. The new and unknown is revered in Mexico and Central America, repeating the vicious circle initiated with the arrival of the Spanish Conquistadores. They were revered as gods until their evil surfaced causing the perdition of entire civilizations. Americans haven't been a novelty in Central America since the first part of the 19th century when U.S. interests started eying Central America as a New Frontier. They were revered as well when the Central Americans set their first gaze upon them. This one-dimensional view rapidly matured into what it is today after over 150 years of U.S. involvement in Central America on all political, economic and social levels. I submit that if the people in Central America knew how the French really are; they would be much less enthused about them. There are few French nationals in El Salvador, and not many at all in all of Central American. Salvadorans in France are such a rarity that I never saw one in my 18 years there. I do have an interesting story to share though. I was born in France and left for the United States on my own when I was 18. I love the U.S. and truly think that despite its problems and defects, it does remain the best country in the world to live in. I am what you can call an “American by Choice”. I lived in Mexico for a year and my wife is from that country. I learned Spanish in the Shenandoah Valley in Virginia living among Mexican immigrants, mostly farm laborers and factory workers. I have friends from just about every Latin American country as well as from most parts of the world. I live in Virginia, in the Washington, D.C. area, home to the second largest population of Salvadorans and Central Americans, [second only to L.A.] outside of El Salvador. I have more Salvadoran friends than I can count on two hands and two feet and my godson is Salvadoran. I speak Spanish with a Mexican accent and often am mistaken for one. Maybe it’s the Mediterranean look, not sure. Now that we have set the stage, let’s talk about the experiences of one Central American in France. My cousin moved to Costa Rica about eight years ago and married a Nicaraguan there. After the restaurant he owned in C.R. faltered and the arrival of a newborn, my cousin and his new wife decided to move to France where he had his support system there with his mom, aunts and all. They have been in France for a year and my cousin’s wife HATES it. She misses the Gringos she knew in C.R. The French will only accept you in France if you “blend in” and always say that you love France and their food, culture and society. Yasmina, my cousin's wife, now runs a cafe with her husband in Sete, the Southern France town I grew up in. I have seen that poor woman cry tears of blood when faced with the unrelenting incomprehension of the French. Culture shock doesn’t quite capture it. Yasmina is criticized on a daily basis for the way she dresses, the way she speaks, the way she acts, the way she raises her son, the way she runs her business. This is driving the poor woman batty. She has really taken a liking to my wife and they speak over the phone on a semi-regular basis. My wife and her met for the first time in September on the occasion of a trip we took to France. Yasmina cried and cried asking for us to take her to the U.S. with us. My cousin’s wife has had to endure the French in ways that she could never have imagined. She is criticized for being too loud, for smiling too much, for not speaking French perfectly, to the point where they have said that she is “bête a manger du foin” which roughly translates into “so dumb she could eat hay”. Customers have refused to be waited on by her in her own café because she speaks a shaky, accented French. Other customers have approached her to tell her to go back to her country because she was taking a French person’s job by working in her own business. Yasmina has said on numerous occasions that she would rather go back to Costa Rica and be poor than to remain in France and live as a middle class wife there. I can’t blame her.

[I originally wrote this in response to a blog I ran accross while doing research] The blog address is: http://www.sebastienpage.com/2008/07/02/surf-and-fun-in-el-salvador/

Friday, June 26, 2009



Tuesday 05/12/2009 Article by Stephanie Varet

Yannick Landurain, 28 years old, is a police officer assigned to the Rapid Intervention Group in Bobigny [Suburb of Paris]. [In France, most police functions are carried out by a national police force; municipal police agencies have limited police powers. The gendarmerie has jurisdiction over rural areas. It is a dependency of the French Army]

He is a police union rep. with Force Ouvriere [Worker’s Force]. He shares with us an intensely vivid testimony on his and his colleagues’ working conditions. The numbers policy is ravaging “the job”, the Projects rule, the brass could care less about the rank and file, depression is commonplace and suicides are on the rise.

What is your job description?

Our mission is essentially to combat street crimes, we respond when there are riots such as in 2005, or when things get iffy in the projects. Sometimes we lend support to the Criminal Investigations Divisions, when they are serving warrants in a home or we help the neighborhood patrol guys when they stop someone in the projects where things could go wrong. Otherwise, we patrol, drive around looking for crimes in progress.

What are the difficulties you are faced with?

We mainly provide back up for colleagues, often in the heart of the projects. Calls there are almost always tense. There is a lack of officers assigned to those areas. It’s commonplace for us to drive through the projects and receive all kinds of projectiles thrown at our vehicles; in broad daylight. Things get worse at night, when they throw Molotov cocktails at our cruisers. I have to say that those who do that have crossed a certain line. I was transferred to this section seven years and a half ago; then we received rotten vegetables or eggs, it still was not so bad. Since the 2005 riots, things have gotten worse. We drive through the project and stones are thrown at us for no reason. We are not always coming to deal with some youths. We have even been shot at with flashballs. The projects belong to them. It’s more and more serious, they seek contact with us. It’s commonplace for colleagues to be wounded.

Where do these events take place?

It happens just about everywhere, the worst is at the La Courneuve 4000 homes project, the Aulnay-sous-bois 3000 homes project, at the Clos Saint-Lazare projects in Stains, and all the largest projects in the Province of Seine Saint Denis [a suburb of Paris]. Some of our attackers are armed; they carry flashballs among other things, that’s supposedly a law enforcement less than lethal weapon. Lately, some colleagues who were searching some basements in the 4000 homes project were shot at with flashballs, they take some of the same weapons we use. We find them with assault weapons as well, some AKs, we think that there’s a black market smuggling ring from Eastern Europe.

Are those problems specific to the Province of Seine-Saint-Denis?

There is a high turn-over within the Police in Seine-Saint-Denis: Most of the officers want to be transferred outside of the Paris metropolitan area, In Drancy, there were about 30 officers. When they disbanded the community policing units, the colleagues who were transferred out of the area were not replaced. When I got there in 2002, there were 30 officers assigned there. Now, there are maybe six or seven. In Aulnay-Sous-Bois, where there are two, no more than three cruisers on patrol for a population of 80,000.00 to 90, 0000.00. It’s not enough. To be transferred [out of the Paris Metro Area] to Northern France, you have to have at least three to four years on the job. An officer being transferred out of Paris Metro after three to four years is replaced by a rookie fresh out of the academy. A young officer needs to be directed. Now, we throw them out there, just like that.

So what happens then?

At the academy, you are taught all about theory, I mean the legal stuff, the legal parameters of the job. [the national police academy is 52 weeks long, mostly law and theory oriented] But when you respond within the projects, if there are ten people in front of us, we won’t make an arrest. There is a whole psychological aspect to these project youths that we are not taught to handle. Moreover, there is a blinding lack of leadership in Seine-Saint-Denis. They are trying to bring back the community policing units, they call them proximity policing units now, but it’s all the same. Those are called the Neighborhood Policing Units. There are very few of them in the projects. For example, in the Franc-Moisin project in Saint Denis, there are maybe ten. Six or Seven of them are on patrol on any given day. The police van drops them off in the projects and they walk around the projects.

What type of situations do they encounter?

It’s summertime now. The weather is nice and the scooters and mopeds are out and about. We are prohibited from chasing them when they violate traffic laws or noise ordinances. They are always waiting for us in the projects. I recently was in Bobigny at the Abreuvoir projects, there was a teenager driving around without a helmet, he was trying to lure us deep into the projects instead of trying to escape. When you’re got some experience under your belt, you can tell and you don’t go, but when they are dealing with 20 year old rookies, they go and they don’t know what’s waiting for them. Since the 2005 riots, ambushes are more and more frequent. The entire police fore is increasingly fed up. The Province of Seine Saint Denis is pathetic. We have vehicle with over 200,000.00 miles, our equipment and human resources are not at all up to the tasks we are asked to accomplish. When you are waiting 10 to 15 minutes for your back up to arrive, when things are going south quick, that’s a heck of a long time to wait.

And the government demands results…

The number’s game has exploded. There are written numbers requirements. Each police officer receives his set. If you don’t make the numbers, you are reprimanded. For example, let’s look at my own case: Two years ago, I had to make four arrests. I only had made two. I had to go to the Captain’s office and sign a written warning because I had not met the quota. I have to tell you that a written warning remains in your personnel file. Before, we could exercise our discretion in the field. Now, the figures are precise, we have to make numbers. Sometimes, we go after illegal aliens. They’ll tell you “this month you have to arrest more undocumented aliens”. There again, the officers are fed up, they have lost any possible discretion. You have to arrest everything that moves. The population’s perception of us is getting worse and worse, the brass pressures us more and more to meet the quotas. The officers are between a rock and a hard place. It’s not easy for them.

How does the average officer deal with this pressure?

Depression has never been so prevalent among the ranks before the past few years, the numbers are exploding. I’m not even talking about the suicides which are constantly rising. Where I work, last January there were three officer suicides in three weeks in the Seine-Saint-Denis Province. There were probably some family issues compounding the situation, but this constant pressure to make numbers, added to the insults from the public, to which the brass forbids us to answer…so when the family unit implodes, it becomes harder and harder. A police officer in Stains committed suicide in January because he failed his driver’s license test. You have to have a driver’s license in the police.

Can you expand on that?

This particular police officer had to get his license before February 2009, it was an administrative injunction. He passed his test in March 2009. The management would never grant him a two week grace period. His job was his only escape from family issues. He committed suicide behind a closed door in his office while his colleagues were on the other side of the door. They were more than shocked. In those cases, a psychologist comes for half a day, and then there is no support. There is only one psychologist for the entire Paris Metro Area. They tell us “if you have a problem, here is the psychologist’s number”. It’s very difficult to land a consultation. It’s bullshit in other words. It’s just so they can say that there are psychologists on hand, but reality says otherwise. Moreover, we are scared, since if you go see the shrink, the police chief can take your weapon away at any time if he or she feels that you are not well. And of course this will be annotated in your personnel file. That creates a chilling effect. This explains why we don’t go see those infamous shrinks.

Why isn’t the general public aware of the current state of the police force?

I can talk to you because I’m a union rep. You have to know that a police officer is prohibited from talking to the press. Everything stays within the family, everything is kept quiet. We are told to “make collars”. The problem is that in case of any even minor mishap within the projects, you are not backed up by your superiors.
They send you to IA (Internal Affairs) to humor the press who could create pressure; we throw the police officer under the bus. It’s more and more common. There had never been as many dismissals and disciplinary actions in the police before the past four or five years. Before, you had one or two disciplinary actions a month. Now, it’s every Wednesday.

What’s your personal experience with reference to this?

Three weeks ago, a scooter charged me while I had a flash ball in hand. I shot at the scooter. The individual wasn’t hit. I only hit the body of the bike. He fell from the scooter and wasn’t hurt. We arrested him, nothing happened. I was given a written warning for shooting at the scooter with the flashball, when in my opinion; this was clear case of self-defense. At least if there had been an investigation determining this wasn’t self-defense, I could deal with that. In this case, the District Attorney told me that this was not a case of self defense. They don’t want police officers to make a habit of shooting at scooters with flashballs thus causing riots in the projects. I had to swallow being punished for something I was justified in doing. Furthermore, in Seine-Saint-Denis, if your scratch a hubcap on a cruiser, you’re immediately punished. It’s excessive punishment. I compare the police to a pea factory. We beat the workers into collecting as many peas as possible, but if there is the slightest issue, the so-called guilty party is thrown out.

Do you feel that you are treated as children?

Let me give you an example: The street crimes unit had collared a guy who had three kilos of cocaine on his person. The Captain told his officers that he was very happy with their catch, “My sense is, I’d rather your caught 3000 guys with one gram of coke”. When your chief tells you that, when you think you did your job to the best of your ability, you can’t find motivation there. They’d rather we catch two youths smoking a joint rather than one youth who stole a car. We don’t investigate anything anymore. It’s just about checking all the right boxes. This way, they can claim that crime is down; even if it’s 5000 potheads…Violence is on the rise. We don’t do quality work anymore since 2004-2005. The unions keep clamoring that. We make flyers…but there is such a media frenzy around this, the numbers have to be there by year’s end.

In summary, the numbers are the enemy.

You’d have to know where those figures come from. Some fellow officers who work in the administration offices tell us that the numbers are cooked. A colleague told me that a person had torched three cars, three cars end up being three different reports, to inflate the numbers, this happens all the time. Before, the police officer loved his job. That’s over with now. The number of leave request from officers has never been so high. About 80% of all police officers joined the force by vocation. After three, four or five years in Seine-Saint-Denis, vocation disappears. We all have been sent before IA for nothing. I arrested a person twice in two years. One day, he was driving without an operator’s license. Another day, it was for disorderly conduct and resisting arrest. He said that I was harassing him. I was sent to IA without knowing why. When you go before IA, they take your credentials away. Thus, for a time, you are no longer a police officer. I remember I asked to go to the bathroom. I was told “No, NO, you can’t move about freely. Just like if I was a criminal, I was accompanied to the bathroom. If a rookie chases a scooter in the projects and the scooter crashes, that officer’s career is over.

According to what you say, the line the government is feeding is that they are tough on crime, but in reality it’s rather lax?

To be incarcerated in Seine Saint Denis, you really have to be a multi-recidivist and even then, you have to have done something really serious. I had been in Drancy for three weeks when a colleague was stabbed in the heart. Thankfully, he only suffered a broken rib as his ballistic vest helped; I had been knocked unconscious with a chair. We arrested the guy at the scene. He was sentenced to two months in jail and a 1000.00 Euro fine he’ll never pay while he tried to kill an officer. Anybody could tell you that this was an attempted homicide perpetrated against a law enforcement officer. This was pled down to a simple assault. There really is a two track system in Seine-Saint-Denis. The judges who make mistakes are never reprimanded, but if we scratch a vehicle, we’re good for it. So now, we don’t file charges any more, it’s useless.

What’s so strange about all his is that your management does not address the issues you are describing. Why?

The management was smart about this one by giving out bonuses. One of my friends just graduated from the Captain’s School, for him, it’s all about management now. You have to make the business “profitable”. Some Captains rebel. It does not last long. When you’re looking at 15,000.00 to 20,000.00 Euro bonuses by the end of the year, you’ve got an incentive to shut up.

Statements compiled by Stéphanie Varet


Saturday, April 14, 2007

Death of a French cop/ La mort d'un flic francais

Chers collègues...
J'avais trente-et-un ans,
un père, une mère qui m'aimaient et que j'aimais,
une petite amie que j'aimais, avec qui je fondais des projets de foyer,
des coéquipiers qui m'appréciaient et que je j'appréciais,
des amis avec qui je partageais pleins de joies...

J'étais policier!
Mon grade?!
Gardien de la Paix...
J'étais de la 11ème CI, en ULI.
La PAIX, Ca la paix, je l'ai gardée!
gardée sans jamais l'avoir trouvée!!!

Pourtant je m'efforçais de la garder, de la maintenir...
pour mes proches, mais aussi pour mes concitoyens.
Ces "citoyens" qui m'ont craché dessus, qui m'ont insulté, parfois même

Ce soir, vers 21h00, un d'entre eux, aidé par d'autres "citoyens",
un "brave citoyen" donc, un de ceux que nos lois, nos magistrats,
nos "citoyens", nos associations, nos bien-pensants et parfois même
et par la force des choses que notre Etat protège...
Un d'entre eux, disais-je m'a lâchement assassiné.

Non, il n'était pas armé!
Non, il ne m'a pas foncé dessus avec un véhicule "emprunté"!
Il m'a simplement poussé sous le verrin d'un manège qui m'a décapité sous les
yeux de mes collègues impuissants.

Pourquoi??? Comment dire?
J'intervenais sur une rixe entre jeunes,
qui, non contents de porter des coups à la foule en présence ainsi
qu'au forain propriétaire du manège, ils nous prirent à parti mes collègues et
J'eu moins de chance que les autres voilà tout!

Le plus "curieux", c'est que ma mort ne fait l'objet que de quelques
lignes dans les feuilles de choux qui se disent journaux d'information!
Ah! j'allais oublier, il s'agit bien évidemment d'un accident!!!
Que mes collègues sans doute sous l'effet de la peine, de la surprise, du choc,
n'ont pas encore réagit!
Ils n'ont manifesté ni mécontentement, ni colère, ni ras-le-bol...
Pas même un ça suffit (avec s'il vous plaît juste après sinon ça fera trop
répressif voire agressif)

c'est étonnant, ça non?!
Surtout quand on sait que deux "jeunes désoeuvrés" morts dans un transformateur
en novembre 2005 avaient suffit à déclencher de longues nuits d'émeutes, de
vandalisme et d'innombrables violences armées ou non à l'égard de nos
A des marches silencieuses ou des manifestations...
A des interventions télévisées de nos gouvernants très émus...

Je ne vous raconte pas tout ça pour vous faire pleurer sur mon sort
ni vous inciter à la vengeance et encore moins à vous enjoindre à démissionner!

Non, collègue!
Je t'écris simplement pour te dire que si tu n'y prends pas garde, tu seras
peut-être le prochain!!!
Ce sont tes collègues qui pleureront de n'avoir rien pu faire,

C'est chez toi que le téléphone sonnera pour annoncer à ta femme que tu es
décédé dans l'exercice de tes fonctions!

C'est à ta famille que l'on remettra le drapeau, symbole de nos couleurs et des
valeurs que tu a défendu au prix de ta vie!!!

C'est à tes parents que l'on donnera tes deux belles médailles "en chocolat"
pour le titre de chevalier de la légion d'honneur et d'acte de courage et de
dévouement, à titre posthume bien entendu!!!

Avec un peu de chance tu passeras peut-être même brigadier ou officier (toujours
à titre posthume)!

C'est pour ton fils, ta fille que les collègues verseront la cotisation à
l'orphelinat de notre institution...

C'est à tes collègues que l'on dira d'éviter les contrôles dans le secteur ou tu
sera MORT, ce de le but bien évident de ne pas "provoquer" ces pauvres petits,
et par la même occasion également empêcher qu'un autre collègue comme toi ou
moi, de commettre une "bavure"...

Eh oui! Mieux vaut que tu décèdes sous les coups, les balles ou les roues d'un

Cela suscitera toujours moins d'émotions que si un "citoyen" désoeuvré trouve la
mort après nous avoir tiré dessus ou bien après avoir essayé d'échapper à un
contrôle de routine!!!

Voilà, COLLEGUE!!!

Je ne m'attends pas à ce que tu ailles manifester, à ce que tu deviennes plus
professionnel lors de "l'exercice de tes fonctions", à ce que tu sois plus
solidaire de nos collègues à ce que tu fasses ce qui est nécessaire pour que
cela ne se reproduise plus jamais, ni même à essayer de réunir le maximum de
collègues pour les en convaincre!!!

Non, non!
Loin de moi de croire que ma seule mort suffirait à changer tout ça!!!

J'éspère simplement que tu apprendras à en faire le moins possible, à ne plus
t'exposer, à étouffer ta fierté et ton honneur dans le silence, la bêtise, la
lâcheté, la collaboration, le suicide, voire même l'alcool ou la drogue pour les
plus loques d'entre nous!!!
Eh oui c'est aussi ça la "Grande Maison", une "famille", "saine" "unie" et
"soudée" comme un seul homme!!!

Il faudra aussi que tu apprennes à enduire ton anus de vaseline liquide(c'est
plus efficace), à bien le dilater sinon c'est plus douloureux, et ce pour
chacune de tes convocations à l'IGS ou au tribunal car pour nous autres, la
présomption d'innocence n'existe pas ou alors il faudra que tu dénonces tes

Je te rassure, il ne faut pas t'en faire pour moi!
Là où je suis, j'ai enfin trouvé la paix...

Plus de risque de me faire insulter, violenter, dénoncer et accuser

Ma fiancée va sûrement recevoir le chèque de soixante euros prévu pour les décès
de collègues en service...
Ma mère pourra essuyer ses larmes dans le drapeau qu'elle aura reçu...
Mon père rangera mes deux médailles sur l'étagère du salon...
Mes collègues feront une quête pour une belle couronne...
Le préfet organisera sans doute une belle cérémonie...
Seront présents beaucoup d'officiels, n'oublie pas que nous sommes en période
d'élection ultime, ils seront légion ceux qui profiteront de mon oraison pour
grapiller quelques secondes sur chaîne de télé ou quelques lignes dans les
Les bien-pensants ou "citoyens" "sympathisants" diront il ne faisait que son
travail c'est normal, ou alors c'est bien fait pour lui il n'avait qu'à pas
martyriser ces pauvres jeune qui venaient s'amuser...
Et puis pour une fois que c'est un flic qui se fait tuer, on ne va pas en faire
un fromage!!!
A ceux là je réponds : rassurez-vous personne n'en fera un fromage, pas même un
petit crottin....
Ceux qui m'ont assassiné courent toujours! dans leur cité, ils doivent parader
en criant on a fumé un keuf! et
ils seront respectés par tous les petits autres jeunes "désoeuvrés" qui les
considéreront comme des héros...
Et pour les rares collègues qui n'auraient pas compris, qui les interpelleront,
qui recevront des coups, des crachas, des insultes et qui utiliseront la force
strictement proportionnelle et nécessaire ; on dira : mais qu'avez vous fait?
vous allez provoquer une émeute, vous êtes fous? en période d'élections en

J'en ai fini avec toi collègue, comme j'en ai fini avec ma vie!
Je te laisse donc retourner à tes occupations et je te dit ma dernière volonté
est que tu fasses passer ce message au plus grand nombre de collègues possible.
Merci d'avance

Friday, March 16, 2007


A 66 year-old pharmacist, accused of killing an assailant and wounding a passerby after an armed robbery in 1998 in Rehon (Meurthe-et-Moselle), was sentenced to two four years of confinement with two years suspended. The accomplices of the assailant killed by the pharmacist, who appeared in court at the same time, were sentenced to two years of confinement, less than the victim who retaliated.

During the evening of November 22, 1998, three masked assailants broke into a Rehon pharmacy right after closing time to rob the till where 457 Euros were kept. The pharmacist took out a 357 magnum revolver, and shot the assailants five times. Three times inside the premises and twice outside while the assailants retreated. One of the assailants, 19 years old, was shot to death and collapsed some 160 years away from the pharmacy while an 18 year old passerby sustained a forearm injury.

The Circuit Court confronted the assailants and the pharmacist who defended hiumself. Same sentence, two years of confinement. That’s what they called a botched robbery. When the robbery is not “botched” the criminals leave with the take and the pharmacist stays put.

Caroline Parmentier-Present magazine.

Nothing but crazyness...this man would have been cleared of any charges anywhere else...this is Alice in Wonderland. What was this man supposed to do??? Let them rob his store and kill him on top of it? This way, NO ONE would have talked about that. My uncle owned a sucessful business in Southern France. About ten years ago, he was the victim of an armed robbery similar to the one in this case. As the assailants ransacked the place after striking him about the head, they started threatening him if he didn’t give them the keys to his Jeep Cherokee parked in fron of the restaurant when they heard a siren ( a Fire engine drove by on the way to a call) and fled after shooting at him 5 times. Fortunately, they were poor shots and did not hit him. The perps were never found. After that, my uncle got a gun. (illegally I suppose) [it is extremely difficult to legally be able to own a handgun in France] A second robbery took place on a Saturday night, after closing time, this time, my uncle took his gun out and the thieves ran away. They ran so fast that one of them fell into the canal in front of the restaurant. After that, my uncle got sick of this and sold his restaurant and moved to Costa Rica where he has been living in peace for 8 years, far from french violence and taxes.

I’m sure that there are hundreds of similar stories around, but these stories never make it into the French media. The French media is all about the ‘underprivileged’, youth from ‘sensitive’ neighborhoods and other leeches who feed on society and are persecuted by the mean French police.

That’s why I live in Virginia, where all legal residents and citizens without a criminal record can own one or several weapons, and can even openly carry it around. You need a permit to carry a concealed weapon. Weapons must be obtained legally and properly registered. Possessing an illegal firearm can be punished by 5 years of mandatory confinement, without the possibility of a suspended sentence or parole.

The law in Virginia, as in all the States to varying degrees, recognized the concept of self-defense. If there is an imminent danger to life, limb or grave peril, especially when a felony is being committed, the victim that defends himself will not be bothered in most instances. If charges are brought, the victim will almost always be cleared of wrongdoing. Confinement in jail would only result if it were demonstrated that using deadly force was not reasonalbe to defend oneself.

In Virginia, about 135000 individuals have concealed weapons permits. Many more own guns and don’t walk around with them. Self-defense cases are rare at best. The argument that allowing the possession of weapons creates cahos in the street is pure nonsense. If it were true, we would see that on a daily basis with more than a million firearms in circulation in Virginia. (More than 200 millions of firearms in the U.S.). The number of murders in Virginia (which takes into account ALL murders, not only those perpetrated with a firearm) was 487 in 1960, when the state had a population of under 4 millions. In 2005 there were ‘only’ 461 murders in Virginiafor a population of 7.5 millions. In Washington D.C. where owning a gun is largely prohibited saw 81 murders in 1960 when owning a gun there was legal for a population of 700,000. In 2005, under the gun ban in D.C. 195 murders were committed for a population of 500,000. We can also look at our neighbor to the South, Mexico where I lived for a year. Possessing a firearm is STRICTLY prohibited, even possessing ammo can land you in jail. As a result, Mexico City is the second most dangerous city in the world after Baghdad depending on the calssification. Mexioc is just as dangerous as Colombia and the Congo. What does this mean???

It means that:

1)Carrying and possessing LEGAL firearms doest not raise nor diminish the crime rate.

2)That the crime rate is mainly affected by social and economic factors, not by the ability or unability to legally possess firearms or not.

3)CRIMINALS kill, not firearms.

4)Accidents are regretable, but is that a reason to ban firearms? If it were so, then we would have to ban automobiles and motorcycles and everything else that can cause an accident.

5)A car can also be used as a weapon, how many deranged inidviduals have ran over crowds on purpose? No need to aim either. Should we ban cars? (Well, that would please Jose Bove rigth?).

I think that it must be legally possible to possess firearms legally in a regulated and supervised environment. I also think that the principle of self-defense must be ENCOURAGED by the judicial system and not PUNISHED as seen in France.

Un pharmacien de 66 ans, accusé d’avoir tué un braqueur et blessé un passant après un cambriolage en 1998 à Rehon (Meurthe-et-Moselle), a été condamné samedi à une peine de quatre ans de prison : deux ans ferme. Deux avec sursis. Les complices du braqueur tué par le pharmacien, qui comparaissaient à ses côtés, ont pris, eux, deux ans de prison. Peine moindre pour les braqueurs que pour la victime qui a tiré…
Dans la soirée du 22 novembre 1998, trois hommes encagoulés avaient fait irruption dans une pharmacie de Rehon juste après sa fermeture pour s’emparer de la caisse où se trouvaient 457€. Le pharmacien avait alors sorti son arme, un 357 magnum, et tiré à cinq reprises sur les agresseurs, trois fois à l’intérieur de la pharmacie et deux fois à l’extérieur, alors qu’ils battaient en retraite. Mortellement touché, un des cambrioleurs, âgé de 19 ans, s’était écroulé à 160m de la pharmacie tandis qu’un passant de 18 ans était blessé à l’avant-bras.
La cour d’assises a renvoyé dos à dos les braqueurs et le pharmacien qui s’est défendu : même temps de prison ferme. C’est ce qu’ils appellent «un braquage qui a mal tourné». Quand le braquage «tourne bien», les truands repartent avec la caisse et le pharmacien n’a qu’à bien se tenir."
Caroline Parmentier – Présent

C'est de la folie douce....Cet homme aurait été relaxe n'importe ou ailleurs... C'est le monde à l'envers. Que fallait-il qui fasse?? Qu'il se laisse voler et abattre de surcroit. Comme ça, PERSONNE n'en aurait parlé... Mon oncle avait un restaurant qui marchait bien dans le sud de la France. Il y a peut etre dix ans il fut la victime d'un braquage similaire, alors que les assaillants saccageaient tout dans le restaurant après lui avoir assène un coup sur la tête, ils étaient en train de dire qu'ils allaient le tuer s'il ne leur donnait pas les clefs de sa Jeep Cherokee parquée devant le restaurant au moment ou ils ont entendu une sirène (les pompiers qui passaient par la en l'occurrence) et on prit la fuite en tirant vers lui.(5 fois). Heureusement, il ne fut pas atteint par les balles. Les auteurs du braquage ne furent jamais retrouves. Après ça, mon oncle s'est armé. (Illégalement, probablement). Deuxième braquage un samedi après la fermeture, mon oncle a sorti son arme, et les voyous on prit leurs jambes a leur coup. Si vite, que l'un d'entre eux et tombe dans le canal devant le restaurant. Après ça, mon oncle en a eu marre, il a vendu son restaurant et est parti s'installer au Costa Rica ou il vit en paix depuis 8 ans. Loin de l'insécurité et de la fiscalité Francaise.

Je suis sur que des histoires comme ça, il y en des tas. Mais ça, ça ne se dit pas dans les médias Francais. Il n'y en a que pour les 'défavorises ', les 'sans-abris ', les jeunes des quartiers 'sensibles' et autres sangsues de la société qui sont 'persécutés ' par la vilaine police Francaise.

C'est un peu pour ça que moi, je vis en Virginie, ou tout résident légal ou citoyen qui n'a pas d'antécédents judiciaires peut posséder une arme (ou plusieurs) et même la porter en public ouvertement. Il faut un permis pour porter une arme cachée. Les armes doivent être obtenues légalement et enregistrées. La détention d'une arme illégale est passible de 5 ans fermes sans discussion possible ou remise de peine.

La loi en Virginie, comme dans tous les Etats à divers degrés, reconnait la légitime défense. S'il y a menace imminente de mort, blessure grave ou autre péril grave, surtout pendent que quelqu'un est en train de commettre un délit aggrave, la victime qui se défend sera presque toujours même pas inquiété. S'il y a une accusation portée, la personne sera presque toujours relaxée...mais de la prison ferme, ça il faudrait qu'il soit démontre qu'il n'était pas raisonnable faire usage de la force mortelle pour se défendre.

En Virginie, il y a environ 135000 individus avec un permis de port d'arme cache (concealed weapon) et beaucoup plus qui possèdent des armes qu'ils ne portent pas avec eux en public. On ne voit que très rarement des cas de légitime défense...l'argument que la permission de détenir des armes crée le cahos dans les rues est une foutaise. Si cela était vrai, on verrai ça tout les jours avec probablement plus d'un million d'armes dans le seul état de la Virginie. (Plus de 200 MILLON d'armes dans tout le pays.) Le nombre de meurtres en Virginia (qui compte TOUS les meurtres, pas seulement ceux perpétrés avec une arme a feu) était de 487 meurtres en 1960, quand l'état ne comptait que 4 millions d'habitants. En 2005 il y a eu "que" 461 meurtres, pour 7.5 millions d'habitants. La ville de Washington DC, où la détention d'arme et le port d'arme est prohibee, a vu 81 meurtres en 1960, quand le port d'armes y était autorisé et la population était autour de 700,000 habitants. En 2005, pas de port d'armes, pas de possession d'armes légales possible, 195 meurtres pour environs 500,000 habitants. On peut aussi comparer avec notre pays voisin du sud..Le Mexique où j'ai vécu pendant un an. Le port et la possession d'arme est STRICTEMENT interdit, même posséder des balles peut mener a la prison. Résultat, Mexico City, deuxième ville plus dangereuse après Bagdad selon les classements...Le Mexique étant aussi dangereux que la Colombie ou le Gongo. Que cela veut-il dire???

1) Le port et la possession d'armes LEGALES ne fait ni augmenter, ni
diminuer l'incidence de crimes.

2) Ce sont les facteurs sociaux économiques qui influent le plus sur le taux
de criminalité, et non le fait que la possession d'armes soit légale ou

3) Se sont les CRIMINELS qui tuent, pas les armes.

4) Les accidents sont regrettables, mais est-ce une raison pour interdire la
possession et le port d'armes? Si c'etait le cas, alors il faut aussi
interdire les voitures, et surtout les motos, et tout ce qui peur causer
des accidents non?

5) Une voiture peut aussi servir d'arme, combien de tares on fonce sur
des personnes exprès ?? Et pas besoin de viser non plus. Faut-il interdire
les voitures?? (Tiens, ça ferait plaisir a Jose Bove).

Je pense que la détention d'armes doit être possible légalement, réglementé et bien encadré. Je pense aussi que le principe de la légitime défense doit être PROMU par le système judiciaire, et non pas PUNI comme en France.