Our Friends from france and Katrina / Nos Amis Francais et Katrina
Thanks to this act of nature, this tragedy, the french have found yet another inexhaustible source of hate and contempt towards the United States, again, reveling in human misery. Americans do not deserve compassion and empathy, that’s jealously guarded for suicide bombers and terrorists. The humanitarian crisis in the Gulf States does not elicit compassion from these cold hearted fanatics called the french media. Their communist daily “Humanite” [Which has nothing human about it] states across its front page “America Overwhelmed!” as in a cry of victory, the Figaro, another prominent french daily, follows with “America Overwhelmed by the Catastrophe!” . The leftist paper Liberation writes “the damned from the Convention Center are left to their dark destiny, as if they had the plague, like animals, abandoned by a state that treats them like pariahs”. http://www.liberation.fr/page.php?Article=321050
Their largest TV networks offers a daily array of documentaries and reports about the failures of emergency services in Louisiana http://news.tf1.fr/news/monde/0,,3241079,00.html?trk=100
This is frances’s ‘fair’ assessment of the situation. This is our ‘ally’s’ view of the United States trying to cope with this tragedy.
Who are these two-bit journalists to assess the situation? What are their emergency management credentials to tell us what we are doing wrong and how it should be done? WHERE are the articles by experts in emergency management to give a fair assessment of the situation?
My still short career in the fire service has taught me that EVERY emergency can potentially turn into a catastrophe, that no matter how may hours you spend in front of a blackboard or computer trying to plan for an emergency, being on scene is totally different and things WILL go wrong no matter how much training you have or how well equipped you are. Training and equipment are necessary but do not eliminate all mistakes. It is IMPOSSIBLE to plan for every aspect and facet of an emergency. These people act as if we have been preaching the contrary to them and are trying to rub it in our faces.
Nobody here denies that there were shortcomings in the planning for the emergency and the financing of preventive measures. Why are they insinuating the contrary?
Never mind the countless acts of heroism performed by members of public safety services, many of which are volunteers, never mind the generosity abounding everywhere, never mind that this catastrophe would have drowned 60% of the french Atlantic seaboard and affected HALF of the french territory, causing a natural disaster beyond their imagination. What would THEY have done if that would have occurred to them? More importantly, what would WE have done if it had happened to them? Their minds are so atrophied by years of propaganda and hatemongering towards the United States that they do not realize the extent of this disaster and have lost all capability of compassion towards their ally of 200 years.
The White House has declared that offers for help from abroad would be accepted, did the french come forward? No. Well, my bad, the french government is sending help. See this: http://www.ambafrance-us.org/news/statmnts/2005/katarina_embassy.asp
Is this the kind of thank you the veterans of WWII who liberated and their homeland deserve? Hate and judgementalism.
Last summer, over 10,000 frenchmen died during the summer heat wave while the government did nothing to provide air conditioning to its most fragile citizens, not even allowing the weak to take refuge in hospitals, many of which are not air-conditionned.. Did that make the papers in the U.S. ? Did the french receive hate from the U.S. for this?
I am so thoroughly disgusted by their attitude that words are lacking to describe my feelings towards them. What have we done to them to deserve this?
We don’t need them. We will fight, overcome and prosper without their help and in spite of their hate.
God Bless America.
Grace a cette tragedie, cet acte de la nature, les francais ont trouves une source inepuisable de haine et mepris pour les Etats Unis, encore une fois, se vautran dans la misere humaine. Les Americains ne meritent pas de compassion et sympathie, ça ça se garde jalousement pour les terroristes et poseurs de bombes. La crise humanitaire dans les etats du golfe du Mexique ne sucite pas de compassion de la part de ces fanatiques aux coeurs de pierre appeles les medias francais.
Le journal communiste L’Humanite [Qui n’a rien d’humain] declare en premiere page “L’Amerique Depassee” comme un cris de victoire, Le Figaro, autre quotidien de rang, suis avec “L’ Amerique depassee par la catastrophe” Le journal de gauche Liberation ecris “les damnes du centre de conventions son laisses a leur propre sort, comme des pestiferes, comme des animaux, abandones par un etat qui les traite comme des pestiferes” http://www.liberation.fr/page.php?Article=321050
Leurs plus grande chaine de television offre une selection journaliere de docummentaires et reportages sur les echecs des services d’urgence en Louisiane.
C’est ça l’evaluation juste de la situation par la france. C’est ça la vision des Etats Unis essaiyant de faire face a cette catastrophe par notre ‘allie’.
Qui sont ces journalistes de deux sous pour evaluer la situation? Quelles sont leurs qualifications pour nous dire ce que nous faisons mal et ce que nous devrions faire? OU sont les articles des experts pour donner une evaluation juste de la situation?
Ma encore jeunne carriere de pompier m'a appris que TOUTES les urgences peuvent potentiellement tourner a la catastrophe, que en depis de toutes les heures passees devant un tableau ou un ordinateur en essaiyant de planifier une urgence, etre sur place est completement different, et oui, il va y avoir des pepins, en depis de tout l'entrainement acquis et en depis de tout le materiel a disposition. L'entrainement et l'equipement est necessaire mais n'elimine pas toutes les erreurs. C'est IMPOSSIBLE de planifier tout les aspects et toutes les facettes d'une urgence. Ces abrutis voudraient faire croire que nous disons le contraire, et veulent nous le lancer a la figure.
PERSONNE ici ne dispute le fait qu'il y a eu des problemes au niveau de la planification et du financement des mesures de prevention. Pourquoi insinuent-ils le contraire??
On se fout des acts innombrables d’heroisme menes a bien par les membres des services d’urgence, dont bon nombre sont volontaires, on se fout de la generosite qui fuse de toutes parts, on se fout de que cette tragedie aurait affecte 60% du littoral atlantique francais et la MOITIE du territoire francais, causant une catastrophe naturelle au dela de leur imagination. Quaraient ILS fait si cela leurs etait arrive? Mais plus important, qu’aurrait on fait NOUS? Leurs esprits sont tellement atrophies par des annees de progragande et de haine envers les Etats Unis qu’ils ne realisent pas l’etendue du desastre et on perdus toute capacite de compassion envers leur allie de 200 ans.
La Maison Blanche as declare que l’on accepterai l’aide de l’etranger, les francais ont-ils offert leur aide? Non
C’est la le grand merci que les veterans de la 2eme Guerre Mondiale qui ont libere leurs patrie meritent? Etres juges et hais?
L’ete dernier, plus de 10,000 francais sont mort durant la vague de chaleur estivale, pendant que le gouvernement n’a rien fait pour leur donner de l’air conditionne, pas meme en les envoyant prendre refuge dans les hopitaux, dont bon nombre ne sont pas climatises. C’est paru dans les journaux americains ca? Les francais ont ils recu de la haine americaine pour ca?
Je suis tellement degoute par leur attitude que les mots me manquent pour decrire mes sentiments envers eux. Qu’avont nous fait aux francais pour meriter ca?
On n’as pas besoins d’eux, on se battra, on surmontera et nous prospererons sans eux.
God Bless America.
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